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September 30, 2020
UFO Show and Tell Part Two from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!


Have you ever had one of those days when NOTHING seemed to go right? Yesterday was one of those days. I rarely feel like throwing in the towel, but I was tempted on numerous occasions. However, I maintained a level head and kept working methodically through the fiascos trying to make sense of the crazy day. 

The modem that was to arrive between 9 and 9:30 still wasn't here by 4 PM. A call indicated that it would likely be delivered today. Fortunately, DH's Zoom call didn't go down, although it slowed. I didn't ...

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September 28, 2020
Wednesday's Word: Psalm 13. Wednesday's Wrap Up. I Like Thursdays. from Faith, Trust and Breast Cancer

 Wednesday's Word: Psalm 13

Isn't life interesting?  There are highs and lows, hills and valleys, joy and pain.
David begins Psalm 13 with feelings of abandonment and defeat, 
but ended with rejoicing and praise.  What changed David's heart and attitude?  How did he go from defeat to victory? 
He. Prayed.  Yup, he prayed.  His prayer was simple. Direct. To The Point.
Sandwiched between despair and victory was a 36 word prayer.
Imagine that.

Wednesday's Wrap Up
I wasn't happy with this block from my Stitcher's Garden.  The petals from the flower weren't evenly ...

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September 12, 2020
Wednesday's Word: Song of Songs 3:2a. Wednesday's Wrap Up Or Not. I Like Thursdays. from Faith, Trust and Breast Cancer

Wednesday's Word: Song of Songs 3:2a
Continued study of some of the verses shared in Lynn Austin's Until We Reach Home.
In this book, Sofia and Ludwig speak different languages. All they have is their Bibles and basic drawing skills to communicate. He/she would find a passage that explains their thoughts and share that passage with the other. As their time to separate nears, Ludwig shows Sofia this verse to reassure her that he will find her.
This made me think: What if all we had to communicate with our loved one were verses from the ...

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August 31, 2020
UFO Club from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I want to thank everyone who has stopped by to pick up stuff that I no longer need or want. I had a quick visit with France yesterday as she stopped by to pick up some stuff. There'll be more, in bits and pieces as I unearth the unwanted things. And knowing that I can make quilts tops for Quilts of Valour or Project Linus from the fabrics that I don't need or want is so freeing. The more that goes in those piles, the more I want to get rid of - OK - within reason! HUGE thanks to ...

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August 21, 2020
Wednesday's Word: Romans 8:28. Wednesday's Wrap Up. I Like! from Faith, Trust and Breast Cancer

 Wednesday’s Word:  Romans 8:28

There are so many parts to this verse that one can study, especially when we read it context!  But, to be honest, when I am struggling or a loved one is hurting, this is the verse that comes to me. 
I know that each situation can bring glory to God and has a purpose in my life as well as in the lives of my loved ones.  He has proven this to me time and again.  Consequently, I walk with Him, talk with Him, but more importantly, I've learned to trust Him.

Perhaps ...

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June 18, 2020
UFO day from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It's almost time for our next UFO meeting, and I didn't share with you what we all accomplished this past month.

We have all been busy as beavers, and NO money went into the kitty. This group is pretty serious about those commitments. I need to get myself in gear to get my homework done as we meet on Sunday, and I don't need another entire day of sewing blocks to meet a deadline, although I will if I have to.

First up are Susan's blocks for the Farm Girl Vintage. These are all 12" blocks ...

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February 19, 2020
UFO Show and Tell Part Two from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Wasn't that exciting to see all those UFOs from our meeting this past weekend? Well, I've got more today as I didn't have all the pictures assembled yesterday. Here's what else we're working on.

I got such a chuckle from this picture that I had to share it with you. This is Katheleen's UFO cupboard. It looks like an IKEA cabinet. Don't you love how all those scrapbook cases fit so neatly onto the shelves? They all appear to be labeled. That's a lot of UFOs. I think she'll be participating ...

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February 12, 2020
The big squeeze from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I got a letter in the mail on Monday indicating that it was time for my biannual mammogram. UGH. No one likes to go for that appointment. But if I didn't book it, I know that you all would be concerned. I called the clinic yesterday morning and I got an appointment for 3 PM. Well, I wanted to get it over with, but that fast? Yikes! The clinic is not that far away - OK - it's 3 KM away, but that's not far at all. And I needed some extra steps since I hadn't made it ...

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February 11, 2020
Sleepless................ from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I hate it when you wake up and then can't get back to sleep. Why is that? I tried reading - a novel and a non-fiction. Neither worked. I emptied my head of all the things that I need to get done this week by writing them done. That didn't work. I had a wee snack since I was a bit peckish. Petted the dogs. Finally, after a couple of hours, I went back to sleep, but that put my morning out of sorts.

Oh well - thankfully that doesn't happen every night as I'd go mad.

It ...

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February 8, 2020
A slow day from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Yep- it was a slow day yesterday. Not even sure why. No, I know why. I volunteered to help someone because the task they have at hand is very important - at least I think so. That errand took over 6 hours and I can't say that I came away with a warm and fuzzy feeling that things will change. I got home after 2 PM and I wasn't in the mood to do much after that.

I feel now that I should have taken a wee bit more control to ensure that we maximized the time, but we ...

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January 1, 2020
Happy New Year 2020 from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It's a new year and a new decade! How the heck did that happen? I still remember back to the new millennium and how everyone expected computers around the world to die at midnight!

I had a quick peek back at what I did last year - not much exciting - quilting - same old thing! But it makes me happy and I'm OK with that!

Last year, I was also madly trying to finish up those 100 projects in the year. I didn't keep a list this year. I did start, although I got busy and forgot to keep ...

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December 30, 2019
Making a backpack from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Oh my - what happens when you get two friends together to make a backpack. Actually, we were each making our own backpack. That was good because we couldn't have made the same one!

If you remember, I had quilted my fabric the day before and all went well with that. Ronda arrived and I threw her fabric on the long arm (again with the foam inside) and it quilted up beautifully.

This is the lining side of her yardage. She used a solid white. I quilted it with a dark blue thread. I LOVE, LOVE that texture and I ...

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December 29, 2019
I can't believe........................ from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I did work in the office yesterday. I didn't want to, but I had to. I had to at least make a start on this mess. I know from working on the basement that the more I tidy up and the more I throw away, the better I'm going to feel about the entire mess. I also know that the office is going to be hard - this is the dumping ground. That means that ANYTHING that didn't have a home, got dumped here. 

There are two desks, a table, and a buffet. Oh - there's a filing ...

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December 28, 2019
Get it done! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

OK - OK -- the list of classes is going up today! It's all complete - I just didn't get back to the computer for one last proof before it goes live. That's the first thing on the to-do list this morning after the girls get their walk. You'll see - there was a LOT of work that had to be done to get that post ready.

I'm not sure where this NO PROCRASTINATION thing has come from, but I'm taking advantage of it while it lasts.

I started the day by tidying up the backyard - if you ...

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December 20, 2019
UFO club from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Life is a journey, not a destination. On that journey, I'd like to get some projects finished! And that's how the UFO club got created. I have so many projects that need to be finished and I have friends that have many projects that need to be finished! We met once a month during this past year and accomplished loads. I think most people finished at least 2 or three or MORE projects that had been sitting there untouched.

We had our final meeting a couple of weeks ago and this is what got accomplished for that meeting ...

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November 1, 2019
UFO Homework from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

With all this decluttering and learning how my phone works, there was one aspect of my phone that hadn't been done. How to put my pictures in the cloud. Well - now they are in the cloud and off my phone. How did I do that? Well, there are a lot of Google apps that one must learn how to use. So after a gentle push from Ronda to make that happen, the photos are now floating in the cloud. What I need to do now is start deleting some of them. There are loads that I no longer need ...

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